Thank You 2019
Inspired by hubby, Cepheus I started collecting #workwefies with lovely people I get to meet in the course of my work.
And indeed, this makes a great way to look back at all the lovelies I get to meet each year. :’) 2019 is the first full year that I devote my time and focus wholeheartedly in improving myself and building my brand.
It’s also a year that I’m really grateful to have known and made great friends with fellow wedding creatives and clients.
To fellow wedding creatives:- Thank you for all the fun and making this journey not a lonely one but one with a great support, helping each other in any areas that we could and coming together to give our best to our common clients.
To brides, mummies, sisters that i get to doll up: - Thank you for believing in me, for sharing snippets of your life with me through small chats, for all the encouragement and love and for crossing paths in my life. I hope we stay in touch. :)
To my future clients:- Please don’t be shy when i ask for a wefie because this is how I will remember you and my way of saying thank you! :)
It’s no doubt that this is not an easy job. I still question myself whenever I have to wake up at hours like 2am/3am/4am on a weekend. But that instant sense of satisfaction and fulfilment when you are done with your work is something that you can never get elsewhere. .
No matter how exhausting it can get, having the skills to make others pretty and thus happy, is what I’m chasing for. I’m grateful that I have the health to do it too.
In 2020, I hope I will get to meet & doll up even more people, explore more personal projects and be much better. :) .💕 .
Thank you 2019.
Thank you to every single one of you that was part of my 2019.
May 2020 be even better.🤗❤️
Happy New Year!
with love,
Madeline Sally
Singapore Makeup Artist